This site is a work in progress and will be forever probably. I enjoy working on it and won't stop unless I completely forget about it!
This website is optimized for my laptop and computer. Mobile is broken and fixing this is not a priority for me because I have no idea why it's broken
Hello! You can call me Crypt, Cryptid, Paper (random noun generators ftw) or just any name you want tbh
Also I'm a guy and use he/him pronouns!
My interests are:
- space
- homestuck
- fibre and bead crafts
- medieval things! especially reinacting
- star stable online
To Do:
- work on a place to post writings
- optimize the header for future changes
- fix up this page
- add a pet pics page
- MORE pages :D
- shrine page
- add more recipes!
- header and footer created
- Sewing page created
- Music page created
- Youtube recs updated
- Made the external links their own page
Neocities home page (I keep losing this somehow)
Links around the Interwebs